I had to give out this link, for anyone who is interested in reading some historical info on the Green Fairy. It is filmed, documented by Chris Buddy, this is an interview with him:
Mmmmm, I know the year has gone by incredibly fast, but I see here that I have only published one story.... kind of pathetic, if you ask me..... I guess that will be changing too!
There are so many changes happening, 2012 was for me all about change. And today I have to move, and see here..... of course a blog entry is waaaay more important!
How I do not like moving, I despise it! And it seems to become a Holiday tradition, because last year, I was doing the exact same thing.
Yes, lots of changes! I will fill you in on all of it! As you can see, right next to me here on the right... No more Etsy store!
This doesn't mean House Of Joris Jewelry seizes to exist, not at all! It will be quiet for a little bit, as changes will come to life gradually. Personally, I liked the Etsy I signed up for, at the very end of 2010, and had great hopes and expectations. After a few months, things were indeed happening!
Etsy decided to become another large company, and to be honest with you, I think they have become a little too big for their bridges.... I was angry one too many times, and decided that was just it for me and Etsy. I wish them well, but really wished they would have stayed true to being cool, different, not greedy with great customer service, etc..... But hey, what can you do?
So indeed, no online store for right now, but not long. This blog will be the main focus for a while, it is here where you will find all the information you need, when it comes to House Of Joris Jewelry, or myself. And if you have any questions, comments, requests, ideas, or need somebody to talk to, just contact me! You can always email me at HouseOfJoris@gmail.com. Or post something on my Facebook page!
By the way, did you know that when you befriend House Of Joris Jewelry on Facebook, you will receive a discount code? For all jewelry available? Yes indeed, everybody gets one!
A new online shop will open soon, in the meantime, I will post pictures of new, OOAK jewelry, as well as some tried and true jewelry items, right here, on this blog page!
AFTER I move house that is. I will have to do this first :-( Sigh.....
Check back in with me, right here, in a few days, and like I mentioned.... and really, do not hesitate to contact me! Have a great week everyone!!